Florist Delivery: Bouquets hand-delivered by local florists
Florist delivery straight to their door. Local online florist delivery, never shipped in a box, that is the Teleflora difference!
100% Local Florist Delivered Bouquets
Every single bouquet our hard-working local florists make is beautifully and professionally hand-arranged. When one of our local florists' hand-delivers your bouquet - it makes their day when they see the look of surprise - and joy - on your recipient's face!
We encourage all of our online member florists to keep up with trends and to network with other members and share best practices. The Teleflora Education Center for Florists is an AIFD Education Partner and a pathway for those seeking recognition for their design skills and to gain a fresh perspective on the art and business of flowers. As an Accredited Member of the American Institute of Floral Designers (AIFD) he/she must fulfill rigid qualifications and demonstrate advanced professional ability. After completing the program they earn the coveted Certified Floral Designer (CFD) and may be eligible to join AIFD in its mission to advance the art of professional floral design through education.